Pump.fun Launch Bundler

Launch + up to 5 buys: 0.1 SOL
Launch + up to 17 buys: 0.2 SOL
- Use the pump.fun trader screen to sell your tokens afterwards
- Fees will be deducted within bundle, so you only pay fees if the bundle executes
- 20+ buy bundler coming soon
- Contact me on telegram if you want to buy some ...pump adresses to use as mint (0.02 SOL each)
- Private keys are expected in bs58 format
- Or generate them yourself using any of the public libraries on github

? Upload an image representing your token.
? Enter the name of your token.
? Provide a description for your token.
? Specify the symbol for your token.
? Enter the Twitter handle for your token/project.
? Enter the Telegram link for your token/project.
? Provide the website link for your token/project.
? Enter wallet private keys and the amount of SOL to buy for each. The balance will be fetched automatically.
? Enter the private key for minting or generate a new one. IMPORTANT: this has to be a fresh keypair that hasn't been used. If it has balance on it, it will not work
Current fees: 0.2 SOL (+0.01 jito tip)

Want to try it out? Contact us on Telegram for a trial coupon code!

Pump.fun Trader

Buying and Selling 0.01 sol per tx
- Sell all can sell a maximum of 20 wallets at a time, adds a 0.01 jito tip fee to the tx
- Fees will be deducted within the transaction so you only pay if it completes
- Wallets filled in the bundler will be shown here

